Green Small Smart Cities (GSSC) is a project financed by the European Union, in the framework of the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME), call Cluster Go International, whose objective is to intensify the collaboration between European strategic clusters in order to lead the international cooperation of groups of companies in fields of strategic interest beyond Europe.
A city can be defined as smart when it displays positive performance in three fields: innovation, entrepreneurship and the generation of economic activity, knowledge and talent and finally digital society and economy. These elements have to be built based on a “smart” combination of elements (communications, infrastructure, economic development) and on purposeful and independent citizen activities (participation, education) that make sound management of the available resources through open governance.
Hence, the focus of the GSSC project is to analyse and compare the opportunities and needs of cities in developing countries: energy infrastructure, renewable energy solutions, rational use of resources, lack of connectivity, water treatment, internet access, implementation of digital solutions, lowering the carbon footprint among many other vital issues that are already covered in large cities, but not in rural and developing areas. The GSSC project will support the transfer of knowledge, solutions, products and services to help them meeting the global challenges they are facing worldwide. GSSC project aims to disseminate the use of sustainable technological solutions from Europe to the less developed regions of the world, by supporting the internationalization strategy of European SMEs that have innovative solutions, complementary technologies and a shared vision to build a better world.
In particular, 3 non-European target countries have been identified: Chile, Cape Verde, Vietnam
Between September and November 2021 took place five C2C virtual working missions around the concept of Smart Cities and its most challenging and opportunities pillars in GSSC target countries: Chile, Cape Verde and Vietnam. The objective was to identify SME needs to support cross-border collaboration and internationalization processes. This objective aims to discover the services that SMEs expect to be supported with in the internationalization process.
Each event was organized by one of the project partners.
The meeting organized by the Greentech Clust-ER was held on October 21, click here for the recording and the materials of the meeting.
A document is available containing the catalog of competencies of the 50 SMEs, from the 5 project partner countries, participating in GSSC.
Virtual Working Missions: GSSC Project presents five C2C online meetings around the concept of Smart Cities and its most challenging and opportunities pillars in 3 different countries: Chile, Cape Verde and Vietnam.
The Clusters composing the partnership has been carefully chosen for their great potential to combine solutions on solar energy, water, green technologies using as key enabling technologies ICT (MCICT) and nanotechnology; and for their individual experience working with their members on internationalization processes. Thus, GSSC project represents more than 400 entities.

September 2020
24 months
222.202, 62€
Disclaimer: “The content of this page represents the views of the author only and is his sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.”
Sentence: “This project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.”