Sustianable Energy un webinar internazionale sulle tecnologie energetiche sostenibili offshore e terrestri.
Parteciperà al webinar Nicola Labartino di CRPA SpA, socio del Clust-ER Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile, partner dell’evento organizzato da SEPCHO insieme ad altri partner internazionali provenienti da Canada e Tunisia.
Working on sustainable energy development is not only about reducing CO2 emissions and fostering energy diversification. This type of energy is also, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a trigger for sustainable development and economic growth, while helping to reduce poverty, enhance social development and resilience.
Today there are eight types of sustainable energy: wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, tidal, wave, biomass and biofuels. Deep tech offers a variety of solutions for all of them, increasing their efficiency, reducing their operating costs, improving their management and control systems.
In this webinar we will focus especially on technologies which may be used both in offshore and inland sustainable energy domains. Together with our international partners from Canada, Italy, and Tunisia, we dedicate this event to practicioners and researchers from both Hemispheres, aiming to foster collaboration between Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America.
This free webinar will be in English and the target audience is:
Technical, R&D and Innovation Directors or CEOs of companies in the Energy sector,
Researchers from R&D centres and companies that are experts in deep tech.
L’evento è gratuito e si svolgerà in inglese ed è rivolto a professionisti e ricercatori settore energetico.
Data: 21/07/2020
Ora: 17.00
Durata: 2h
Programma e iscrizioni: