Clust-ER Greentech is a partner in EXCEED – EXCELLENCE IN GREEN AND DIGITAL MANUFACTURING, a project that aims to create a European COVE network of 6 centers in 5 countries to support green innovation and sustainable competitiveness of the advanced manufacturing (AM) sector. The project, funded by the Commission under the Erasmus Program, aims to improve training centers to drive toward decarbonization and green and digital innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector. New skills are needed to cope with these changes, VET provider training institutions can play a crucial role in preparing the workforce and society of the future.

Exceed in details
Through the experiences and expertise of the different partners, Exceed will establish an international network of centers of excellence in vocational training.
The objectives of the project:
Establish an international observatory for the systematic adoption of skills intelligence systems.
Develop new professionalizing curricula to train professionals who know how to support green and digital transitions in manufacturing.
Update existing curricula.
Create and lead an international Factory for the attraction and development of “talent.”
Exceed envisages the development of targeted training paths for professional upgrading and retraining of unemployed people or those at risk of exclusion from the industry labor market.
For this “fragile” target group, the project will provide training and customized accompanying services. In addition, forms of training-work mobility abroad will be experimented with.
Exceed consists of 39 partners from 5 countries-Italy, Spain, Finland, Czech Republic and Greece.
Of these, 18 are full members, 21 are associate members. The coordinator is Centoform, a training center in Ferrara and a member of Clust-ER Greentech. Partners also include the University of Ferrara and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Clust-ER Innovate.

This project has received funding from the European Union. Project id n. 101103982
CUP E31B23000120004