The Energy and Sustainable development Clust-ER GREENTECH is an association of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector.
The Emilia-Romagna Region has found in the Clust-ERs the subjects capable of multiplying innovation opportunities through a collaborative approach, as they focus their activity in R&D strategic sectors. Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, they are one of the key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium Company for innovation and the sustainable growth.
The energy and sustainable development sectors affect all human activities and are strategic in supporting the regional economy transition to a low environmental impact system. Promoting the development of such sectors means an advancement towards a more rational management of the resources and a decrease of harmful emissions into the environment. Strengthening innovation in the energy-environmental field contributes to the competitiveness and the wellness of the Emilia-Romagna region through the development of knowledge, new products, advanced services and innovative business models.
In 2020, GREENTECH has been awarded with the “Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE – Striving for Cluster Excellence”.

Other Clust-ER
The Clust-ERs are associations of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness the regional industrial strategic sectors.
The Emilia-Romagna Region has found in the Clust-ERs the subjects capable of multiplying innovation opportunities through a collaborative approach, as they focus their activity in R&D strategic sectors.
Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, they are one of the key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium Company for innovation and the sustainable growth.
I Clust-ER della regione Emilia-Romagna sono parte del progetto Clust-ER promosso da ART-ER e sono finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna - POR FESR 2014-2020.